Guess what food has:
*8 times more omega-3s that Atlantic farmed salmon,
*6 times more calcium than milk
*2 times more fiber than bran flakes
*15 times more magnesium than broccoli
reduces inflammation and is a complete source of protein????
I am so happy to share this discovery with you. I have been eating this food for 3 months and our own dear Annie has been eating it for the past year. She gained 8% bone density in one year! Please enjoy and watch what this food has done for me at the end.
OMG Maya, you crack me up!!!
Thanks for the good breakfast idea. I always have trouble figuring out what to have for this first meal of the day. I want a superman suit too!
Thanks Alexis. There is nothing I will not do for a smile.
I think you can already fly without the suit.
Maya…. that was great!! I want to see you in Pilates with that ‘super’ suit. LOL
Side note. Per your suggestion, I have added more green drinks to my diet in the past several months than I had before. I usually make a ‘breakfast’ green smoothie with twice the green added. For most lunches I do the same but with some nice berries added and more protein. Hmmmmm I do believe a lot of my inflammation has reduced a great deal.
Wow, Peg.m that’s very inspiring. Two green smoothies a day. To become alkaline is sublime.
Hi Maya, Something is wrong with the sound on my computer so I couls see but not hear! What is the “super food”? Judy
Sorry about Judy. Is the volume up on the computer? I will you a direct link to. YouTube. You can also go YouTube and type in Maya Aubrey.
Maya I cannot believe the time and energy you put into these “little” videos. I know they’re not as effortless as they look. To do one or two would be amazing but every week??? It’s very inspiring!! Andto bet David looks forward to them too!!!
You are so kind, Rosemary. Coming from someone who knows film, that is a great compliment. Just me and my laptop trying to make the world a better place. :0)